Author: M Moore

9 Proven Methods for Improving Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the Workplace

9 Proven Methods for Improving Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the Workplace

A diverse workplace is a successful workplace: organizations that embrace diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) enjoy increased revenue, greater readiness for innovation, and improved retention.1 Improving workplace diversity and inclusion entails more than hiring more women, BIPOC, nonbinary, or neurodiverse employees, however. It includes weaving genuine inclusion into the fabric of the organization -- that is, not simple having diverse people on board but also ensuring that they're involved, empowered, and trusted within the business. Identify DEIB as a strategic priority. Workplaces can move the needle only if they make DEIB a key organizational strategic priority with clear goals and performance measures that are regularly reviewed and discussed by the CEO and le...
Kable Academy<br> helping grads land<br> first tech jobs

Kable Academy
helping grads land
first tech jobs Posted at 5:31 AM, Aug 02, 2021 and last updated 7:31 AM, Aug 02, 2021 BLUE ASH, Ohio — The Kable Academy in Blue Ash, Ohio is helping graduates find their first jobs in the tech industry. The academy launched in early 2020 as a boot camp for web development, coding and cyber security. As more students graduate from the academy, officials said they wanted to help guarantee their graduates entry-level tech jobs, so they launched the Kable Group pilot program Kable Group president Josh Guttman said the program is designed to be a 12-month safety-net to help students get into the tech industry. "We're developing local talent that can stay in this market, that we can shrink the tech gap," Guttman said. "And at the same time, hel...
Help Workers Get <br>What <br>They Need
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Help Workers Get
They Need

Help Workers Get What They Need By John Crossan So many times in problem solving, the really smart, expert people come up with an analysis that everyone truly believes is the right answer—and really wants to work. But when it’s time to implement the solution, they run into "You know, it just didn't work” or "It just didn't last" or "Nobody would buy into it."  Most people tend to get hung up on what they want rather than what they need. They fall in love with their elegant solutions and want them to work. (For example, engineers usually focus on the technical solution: “We’ve found the perfect solution, so let's not waste any time getting it in place. Forget all of that soft-skills stuff—just make people do it now.”) For others, their primary frustration lies in the time spent h...
Beyond Donation Matching: 8 New Ways to Give Back
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Beyond Donation Matching: 8 New Ways to Give Back

Beyond Donation Matching: 8 New Ways to Give Back By Claire Hastwell Great workplaces know that giving back to the community boosts employee morale and fosters pride within the company. Employees value corporate social responsibility because it gives their jobs special meaning: when employees can connect their work to what is happening outside in the broader community, they feel an increased sense of purpose at work. Generous community giving has consistently ranked as one of the biggest drivers of better employee experience.   Many companies contribute to their communities by giving employees generous allotments of paid time off for volunteering, matching their employees’ charitable donations, and building a philosophy of corporate social responsibility into the very fabrics of...
What Is Time Management?

What Is Time Management?

Working Smarter to Enhance Productivity Time Management Definition “Time management” is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific activities. Good time management enables you to work smarter – not harder – so that you get more done in less time, even when time is tight and pressures are high. Failing to manage your time damages your effectiveness and causes stress. It seems that there is never enough time in the day. But, since we all get the same 24 hours, why is it that some people achieve so much more with their time than others? The answer lies in good time management. The highest achievers manage their time exceptionally well. By using the time-management techniques in this section, you can improve your ability to function more effectively...